Obtaining data from users with unexpected results

I recently obtained valuable data from sharing my projects with online communities. May this data greatly benefit me.

Getting feedback on an open source project

On a whim, I shared the matrix multiplication project on Hacker News and then obtained data which I used to improve the project: I edited the documentation to address the concerns provided.

I received fifteen stars on GitHub as a result of sharing this project on Hacker News. That’s nice. It’s the most number of stars I’ve ever received on a GitHub repository.

Return to Tategaki

I also shared the Tategaki project on Reddit, the first time I’ve ever shared something I made on that social platform. Now I’m more inclined to share creations there.

Reddit comment

I may not have performed well during this marketing operation, but I must use this data and experience I have to help me achieve my goals as a technology entrepreneur. I now have the good idea of cultivating this service into a professional publishing tool, like a real software-as-a-service product. I may have discovered a new market space that may prove to be of high utility for me.

Well, well. I never knew this Tategaki project could turn into something so spectacular. I originally envisioned this project to provide a mechanism for Japanese Twitter users for composing vertical Japanese language tweets, as revealed in an earlier codex entry–and I did accomplish that goal. Now I shall exploit this recent operation’s effects for my ambition.

There exists a capability gap that must be addressed well before the end of this decade, but all my effort is being devoted to the success of this new endeavor for my ambition. With fine integrity, courage, and commitment.

September 14, 2018