Making an investment in my machine learning capabilities

I return to the portable matrix multiplication library. I must not forget that I engage in machine learning activities in addition to my other activities.

I originally wanted a function that could create and return matrices, but that was impossible to implement as matrices are required to be statically created. Also, I even wrote documentation for how to use the functions. It’s so the operators, i.e., users, of this library can be well equipped for performing their tasks.

There’s no immediate gain from making this portable matrix multiplication library. I’m engaging in this activity to obtain greater competence for the future. I need such proficiency as I’m solving very hard problems.

And these hard problems must be solved, and not because I wish to prove my worth nor for the sake of completing challenges, but because they are obstacles to converging to prosperity. Converging to prosperity is my ambition and my ambition must be fulfilled.

The future is not uncertain for we have the strength and the courage to engineer the future. Should we not have the strength, then we must use our courage to find that strength. And should we not have the courage, then we must find that courage. But we do have the courage and we do have the strength. Then we will engineer the future.

Before the end of this decade, I will converge to a local optimum of prosperity, at any cost. At the cost of expending all my courage. At the cost of expending all my strength. And at the cost of expending all my effort and energy.

Converging to prosperity will not only require me to have the will and the means to enter a new space, but also the utility of an eternal commitment to focusing on achieving my goals despite having chronic deficiencies. While in that space, I must brave new phenomena which I have never embraced before, phenomena that lie beyond my human imagination. It is likely that there will be dangerous phenomena that can destroy me without effort or care as this is a vast space full of various phenomena. But I must have the courage to face such things as my heart compels me to use all my strength to converge to prosperity.

August 31, 2018