λόγος and Eigenvalues
Yet another mystical and esoteric aphorism or pithy obervation.
According to the Wikipedia article on eigenvalues, “the fundamental theorem of algebra implies that the characteristic polynomial of an n-by-n matrix A, being a polynomial of degree n, can be factored into the product of n linear terms,
|A - λI| = (λ₁ - λ)(λ₂ - λ) ⋯ (λₙ - λ).”
The λόγος of the aforementioned theorem expressed its own desired influence by giving birth to an inference that has as its conclusion a useul means to extract the eigenvalues of a square, n-by-n matrix A. The λόγος legitimizes and inspires all child instances of eigenvalue calculation. You can maybe consider the λόγος to be like the Deleuzian-Guatarrian abstract machine which can produce personal identities and components for a conceptualized rhizome… Oh, this is just a theory, no need to be alarmed. A theory just like reason, logic, and truth…